Our Vision

For every child and their family in South West Dublin, to have access to excellent early years education as a right and a key to realising their full potential.

Our Mission statement
StartBright will empower and enable children, their families and communities in South West Dublin, through the delivery of exceptional early education services.

Our values

The values that underpin our work and everything we do are:


Nurturing healthy relationships, strengthening emotional resilience, empowering children to think, grow and explore in a fun and creative way and to be active agents in contributing to their world.


Respectful, impartial, accessible, affordable early education services.

Families as Partners

Working in partnership with every family to achieve the best outcomes for every child.

Striving for Excellence

In collaboration with our families, staff and professional bodies in the sector always developing our philosophy, our knowledge and professionalism.


Operating to the highest possible standards -honest, professional, transparent and accountable.

Our structure

As a charity and a community service run by a Board, we have strict requirements we need to meet, which ensures that the quality of the service we provide is of the highest standards of care and education. We also constantly review our fee structure, and accept all subsidies available to parents, so that you never have to compromise the quality of your childcare.

Image of childcare settingImage of childcare setting
Image of childcare settingImage of childcare setting

Our fees

The aim at StartBright is that our fees are at a level where local families are able to access our services, and we happily accept all forms of subsidy.We’re constantly reviewing our running costs, so we’re able to provide our early learners with the best possible start in life – without putting a financial strain on their families.

Reports and Plans


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Our childcare partners include:

This project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme